Thankfully, most babies get through their first few months without any serious illnesses. However the time may come when your baby seems quite ill, or he may catch something off older siblings. It pays to keep an eagle eye on your bub so you will know when he or she seems unwell.
Usually the most common illness babies get are colds and flu. They are much more prone to infection when they are left in an environment where there are many other children such as a day care centre. Little children don’t know not to cough their germs on others and even just handing a toy to a baby can pass on some germs – especially if that toy has been sucked on or chewed by an infected child.
The symptoms of colds and flu in a baby are the same as for an adult – only a baby cannot tell you he has a sore throat or headache. He may refuse to feed or fuss while drinking if his throat is sore. A headache and other aches and pains will make baby cry and be quite restless. Other symptoms usually include a stuffy or runny nose, coughing and watery eyes.
Check to see if your baby has a temperature by using one of those strips that are held against the skin rather than an oral thermometer. When baby has a temperature he should be dressed very lightly – a nappy and vest are all that is needed, unless the weather is cold. Two or three tepid baths per day will help to reduce a temperature.
Pain-killers are not recommended for babies under three months. Never use them for a tiny infant unless recommended by your doctor or health-care provider.
Another common problem in infants is that of diarrhoea, with loose, runny stools that are green in colour. The main problem with this type of illness is dehydration, so be sure you give plenty of liquids. If baby refuses to drink and has not had a wet nappy for some time, then seeing a doctor is necessary. Dehydration can kill a baby quickly, but liquids given intravenously at the hospital can easily prevent such an outcome.
At the other extreme some babies suffer from constipation. Usually, more water or fruit juice is given to alleviate the problem. For a tiny baby, often a few drops is sufficient. However, many babies don’t have a dirty nappy every day, so don’t assume baby is constipated from this one symptom. When you see baby straining and crying with no result, you will know he is constipated.
Some babies suffer from convulsions that may or may not be due to a high fever. The symptoms include body twitching, spasms, blank, staring eyes that seem to roll up and the high fever that may have been brought on by another illness. Seeing a doctor as soon as possible is essential – as is keeping the baby as cool as possible.
You should never home diagnose and treat your baby. The symptoms he has could easily be from another more serious illness. If your baby is not acting normally and feels hot, taking him to a health-care provider will ensure that he is given the correct treatment.