Preparing to Wean Your Baby

You may have decided that it is now time to begin feeding your baby solids. If so, here is some handy advice about preparing foods and feeding your little one. You want to preserve as many of the vitamins in your baby’s food as you can so prepare her food just before she eats it. Once you have cooked and puréed her food vitamins B and C will begin to deplete. If you want to Read More

When Is My Baby Ready For Solids?

In most cases it is advised that you should wait until your baby is six months old before introducing her to solid food. Waiting until this age protects your baby’s health by reducing the risk of getting infections from food and also developing food allergies. At six months she should have doubled her birth weight and her immune system is more robust. From six months of age formula or breast milk will not provide her with all the nutrients she requires as she is becoming more and more active. Waiting until she is six months old before introducing her to solids is even more important if your family has a history of Read More